Saturday, August 14, 2004
I don't pretend to know all about creating websites... so imagine my surprise when I discovered somebody's been messing with my domain! It never dawned on me to be checking some of the folders... I just assumed they were put there by my DNS (domain name server)... so imagine my surprise when I found things titled with sentences concerning the dipsh**'s attempts and failures and then finally a success!!!
It appears he got in via the Later Granni website which was parked at my salascove domain, so the first thing I did was change back to Blogger. Then I went back and deleted the dip****'s files... then changed a few passwords. Oh yes! Then I also had to go back & delete my Later Granni files from my domain too!
Got a domain? Check your files once in awhile. Hopefully this won't happen to you but if it does, don't let him get away with it! Love, peace, and all that...
4:56 PM